Your Letters of Support

The visitors of this site have been sharing words of support with us in an effort to help our cause. If you would like share personal stories about Christopher Ahn or Adrian Hong, or would like to offer encouragement, you can submit your own letter of support here.

There is not a single day that goes by without thinking about you.
I love you and I bless you.
Please be well for all of us. Take good care of yourself.
Trust in God, you are in His great plan.

2 CORINTHIANS 10: 3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: 4(for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) 5casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

I’ve read about the humanitarian work and illustrious prior careers of service of Christopher Ahn.  As an immigrant, sacrificed his life for our country, first in military service, then in aid to the people of North Korea.  The charges against him are such obvious smears from the North Korean regime, a regime that we would be foolish to trust, especially regarding the truth about someone they have declared an enemy if the state.  I fully support charges being dropped for Christopher and Adrian Hong and I hope they continue their humanitarian mission as soon as possible.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Adrian and Christopher, for not only being a source of inspiration and strength for me but also for equipping me with knowledge about the Pegasus Project on YouTube, which allowed me to put two and two together and see how my team and I, workers on a North Korean humanitarian project, were being surveilled by the North Korean government. I learned that all of my devices were hacked and my home bugged. Knowing how innocuous our project was has lead me to see the sheer magnitude of North Korean paranoia and terrorism, even here in the US. I hope you can take some comfort in knowing that there are others in a similar situation, who have yet to come out of the woodwork and who, if they weren’t before, are standing in solidarity with you now. God bless you.

Animo! pronto verá victoria
Tenga paz y paciencia se que no es facir cambiar un país.
Todos lo que ustedes hicieron nada es malo.
Pronto llegará recompensa de libertad
Siga ánimo.
oramos todos los días para ti.
Te extraño mucho

Love you so much and proud of you!

Christopher Ahn and Adrian Hong are two brave people that are willing to do what most people aren’t.
These are the type of people that give others hope in humanity with their actions. It’s rare that you see others being selfless and accepting a risk of danger to themselves to help someone else.
People in North Korea are trapped with no way of expressing themselves, no personal freedom, always walking on eggshells and in fear of their life.
I challenge any US government official with a cushy life that is causing these two men trouble, to put themselves in a situation like that, where they have to endure for one day what a North Korean citizen does or the ones also putting their life on the line by helping them.
The United States is a “free country”, the “land of opportunity” yet punishes people for helping those that are suffering.
Blessings to these two men.
Renich tasa uberaca biasa icar Lucifer.
They will be forever be protected by the light bearer and the scales will be balanced in their favor.


How do we mistake lip service for real Mc Coy integrity. Why can’t we see real courage anymore. What has happened to our sense of compassion. When everything said is a lie does truth cease to exist. These men of “Joseon” are the real angels of our better selves, they sacrifice as we breathe. For all true stand up Americans it’s time to weigh in for two men who deserve our full backing. Mr. Adrian Hong and Mr. Christopher Ahn deserve whatever support you can provide, letters, financial. Don’t sit on your butts, DO SOMETHING!!!!

정의의 사도들에게 존경을 표합니다.
누군가가 반드시 해야 할 일임에도 아무도 나서지 못했을 때 그대들이 몸을 던졌습니다.
갖은 핍박 속에서 고통받고 있는 동포들에게 한 줄기 빛을 보여 주셨습니다.
과연 정의가 있는가 의심하기도 했었지만,
그대들이 있음에, 정의는 반드시 승리할 것이라는 확신을 다시 가져 봅니다.
힘 내세요!
정의가 그대들과 함께 하고 있습니다.


Adrian and Chris are brave heroes who have sacrificed their own happiness for others to have it. They’re selfless, humble and respectable leaders who have saved lives and protected many people from danger, all without recognition and without ever boasting.
We wish we could be with you to support and be of help to you. We often talk about you and share how wonderful it would be when we are able to see you again. Wherever you are, we are praying for you every single day, multiple times a day!


그 이름이 억압받는 이들에게 희망이 되기를 기도합니다.

Muy buenas tardes desde el sur de México el estado de Chiapas. Saludando a nuestro amigo y querido Adrián por este proceso que le toca pasar. Sabemos que el se dedica a hacer un gran labor que no cualquiera se arriesga o se atreve a luchar por los necesitados. En lo personal y mi familia llevamos en nuestras plegarias. Mandamos un saludo afectuoso a todos los que están involucrados en esta gran labor. Te amamos en Cristo Adrián. Dios está contigo

My name is Fernando and I am a pastor. Serving our God in Mexico.
To: Adrian Hong.
2 Cor. 9:8. God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. I knew Adrian hong about 15 years, and he has been a great help, in the mission field


예레미야 33:3 너는 내게 부르짖으라 내가 네게 응답하겠고 네가 알지 못하는 크고 비밀한 일을 네게 보이리라
시편 23:4 내가 사망의 음침한 골짜기로 다닐찌라도 해를 두려워하지 않을 것은 주께서 나와 함께 하심이라 주의 지팡이와 막대기가 나를 안위하시나이다
23:5 주께서 내 원수의 목전에서 내게 상을 베푸시고 기름으로 내 머리에 바르셨으니 내 잔이 넘치나이다

Hello, this is Carlos, a missionary believer of God, the truth and justice.
I had the opportunity to read everything about Adrian Hong and Christopher Ahn, in my opinion… is it to bad help people to have a better life?
They must be treated like heroes, because thanks to them, our world even in bad hands, it was getting better world. They should be free out there helping more people in difficult times like now, can you imagine all the things that they can be doing now? A lot, a lot!
Let’s give them freedom to share the love of God in our world. They have been doing only good stuffs for us, even now showing us only with pictures and letters what can they do and moving the world.
God bless them and make them free to keep doing good to others.
I hope and I pray for this letter, to touch the hard of whoever read it and have the chance to make the difference, just like they did it in the world.


Quiero felicitar y animar a Adrián Hong por su trabajo a favor de los derechos humanos y toda la labor que hace, ayudando a tantos y tantos niñ@s, jovenes y adultos. Por eso aplaudo su trabajo y pido a Dios siempre darle salud, al Espíritu Santo lo llene siempre y a Jesus que interceda por el ante el Padre Dios.
Este trabajo debe continuar y pedimos a Dios que abra las puertas necesarias para ellos en el nombre de Jesus.
Saludos desde republica Dominicana


I had a chance to hear Adrian Hong speak, as well as actually work on some volunteer efforts together. The words that come to mind as I remember those moments are compassionate, driven, and selfless. Most, if not all of his actions, were acted upon in order to see the betterment of the lives of others. No one would dare to jeopardize and risk their own lives for the sake of a nation of people they have never even had a passing glance with. Yet these individuals, along with many others are working to bring a better life to those who cannot even experience the freedom of choosing their own lifestyle. I would ask that you find it in yourselves to do your part, and have any existing charges dropped for these men, so that they can continue to do the work we ourselves would not.

에드리안 홍은 잘못이 없다고 생각합니다.
그는 열심히 어려운 사람들을 돕는 사람입니다.
크리스토퍼 안을 석방해줘야합니다.
더이상의 세상에 억울한일은 있어서는 안됩니다


Thank you for your sacrifice and devotion in spite of many difficulities.
I will pray for you and NK.
With GOD’s love. ^^


Tenemos fe y confianza de que Dios siempre está con ustedes en donde quiera que esten, así como sabemos que el enemigo siempre está al asecho, sabemos que Dios tiene el poder para pelear nuestras batalla y darnos la victoria.
Estaremos orando mucho por ustedes, que Dios los bendiga y guarde sus caminos siempre.


Adrian Hong and Christopher Ahn are fighting for human rights. They should not be extradited to Spain based on North Korea’s Iies.
Free Adrian Hong and Christopher Ahn!


Saludos y bendiciones,
Dios los bendiga y guarde, que le sigas fortaleciendo y guiando cada día, estamos orando por ustedes cada día, y pedimos a Dios que todo lo que se han propuesto hacer en su nombre lo hagan, que el Espíritu Santo los llene de sabiduría y nuevas estrategia para alcanzar el objetivo de llevar liberación de las almas perdidas.
Un abrazo fuerte
Y siempre lo tenemos pendiente en nuestra oraciones. Dios los bendiga más.


“For though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again,
but the wicked stumble when calamity strikes.”(Proverbs 24:16)
“Do not fret because of evildoers or be envious of the wicked,
for the evildoer has no future hope,
and the lamp of the wicked will be snuffed out.”(Provebs 24:19-20)
하나님의 일을 감당하는 귀한 자유조선 청년들!
오늘도 힘들고 어렵고 외로운 싸움을 하고 있는 자유조선 청년들!!
당신들이 정말 자랑스럽습니다.
힘내세요 많은 사람들이 당신들을 위해서 금식하며 기도하고 있습니다.
70년이 넘는 긴 세월동안 헐벗고 굶주리고 고문당하고 죽어가던 북한동포들의 자유를 위해서
대신 싸워주고 희망이 되어 주어서 감사합니다.
하나님께서 자유조선 청년들에게 힘을 주시고 능력을 주시며 항상 함께 하시며
하나님의 때에 하나님의 방법으로 모든 것을 이루어 주실줄 믿습니다.
잊지마세요 당신들을 잊지 않고 기도합니다.


Estamos orando cada día yo y mi familia por ellos, para que Dios les de la libertad que ellos meren, estamos con ellos en pensamiento y oración, creyendo con Fe en su buena voluntad y amor por la personas que sufren y tratan de liberar.
Que Dios los bendiga y ayude a pronto tener la libertad que merecen.


Dear Congressmen and women,
I urge you to stand up for Messers Hong and Ahn’s unjust treatment by the US Marshall. They are just ordinary citizens who wants to be helpful for the people in North Korea. Thank you for listening to our voices.


To all who have an interest in the right to live freely in a world built by ones choosing rather than at the will of another.
The torment the people of North Korea have to endure is horrendous. The countries government is designed to crush free expression, free thought and the ability to discover a world outside the confines of its borders in an effort to keep its people ignorant of the joys of this world and in perpetual fear.
Free Josen is a group of individuals that in spite of the hardship and danger to themselves and their families fight the regime of North Korea in an effort to make the world a better place and set these enslaved people free of the yoke of its tyrannical government. They do this because they know first hand what kind of bell North Korea’s people live in and what kind of future it’s people could enjoy.
It’s a rare individual that is brave and dedicated enough to be a part of this group. In the interest of a better world we all have an obligation to help any way we can. Not everyone can do what these incredibly courageous members are doing but I plead to all who have a good heart and an interest in a better world to help Free Josen in any way they can. Together we can make our world a safer place for our children as those tormented in North Korea by its present regime. The ruling family have crushed enough dreams and enough lives. It’s time for us to do whatever possible to make this generation the last who are crushed under the heal of this tyrannical family.

-Carl, Proud supporter of Free Josen and it’s courageous members

Micah 7:7-8
Therefore I will look unto the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation: my God will hear me.
Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto me.
God is with you every moment. Cheer up and be safe. We love you!


힘내세요, 응원합니다.
늘 자랑스럽고 위하여 기도합니다.
사랑합니다. 축복합니다!
Cheer up! You are not alone. We all are proud of you!
You could not just ignore it like many of us……you took action and helped so many, risking your own safety.
To-‘proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed,’
We are with you and praying for you remembering how you helped.
God bless and stay safe!
Numbers 6:24-26
Joshua 1:9


The significance of this movement does not lie in the number of North Koreans successfully defected but the people who make up Free Joseon itself. These revolutionaries, who hold onto their conviction of freedom to this day is what will drive this uprising past the present unto the unknown of tomorrow. They carry their efforts to live another day, so that the truth of North Korea can unveil before another uninformed human, and perhaps inspire action or spark a passion for change within another soul. The existence of Free Joseon means hope in living or a helpless life in a staged cage for one suffering within North Korea. Their motivation for freedom will see another day, face another chance, move another heart, save another life. One life within this movement can shine light on a life that is being lived in the cruel shadows of North Korea. There is no finish line to freedom, each present moment needs your stand for change. Thank you for all that you do, Free Joseon.

El trabajo que Christopher Ahn y Adrian Hong han hecho para ayudar a liberar a los norcoreanos es verdaderamente extraordinario y digno de ser reconocido, arriesgar su vida para buscar la libertad de otras personas y dar a conocer la realidad de los que viven en Corea del Norte, realmente son actos que solo personas con un gran valor y corazón pueden hacer.
Todo lo que hicieron Christopher Ahn y Adrian Hong para que más norcoreanos sean libres, merece que se garantice su seguridad y resguardo. El gobierno de Estados Unidos debe rechazar toda petición de extradición y protejerlos.
Es mi oración que pronto se encuentren libres, Creo que están siendo perseguidos injustamente y espero que el gobierno estadounidense haga lo correcto, Libere al veterano estadounidense Christopher Ahn y termine la caza contra Adrian Hong. Dios los bendiga!!


Todos buscamos la libertad y la justicia, son derechos universales. Christopher Ahn y Adrian Hong están siendo perseguidos injustamente y deben ser protegidos de la extradición a España.
El gobierno estadounidense debe parar la caza contra Adrian y liberar a Christopher, ellos se han esforzado y sacrificado para salvar y liberar a muchas personas de la opresión de Corea del Norte.
Ellos son verdaderos héroes porque han salvado la vida de muchos personas. Pedimos al gobierno estadounidense parar la caceria contra Adrian Hong. Dios los bendiga.


북한의 굶주리고 억압 받고 처형당해가는 우리 민족의 아픔은 외면하고 핵만 바라보는 미국 대통령과 역시 그런 북한의 실정은 외면하고 자신의 나라 정치적 이익만 앞세우는 스페인의 압박으로 북한을 자유롭게 하고자하는 우리 독립투사 같은 청년들을 쫒고있습니다. 나라가 나서서 도와주고 항의해 주어야 하는데 역시 북에만 관심있는 남한의 정권도 이을 외면하고 있습니다.
하나님의 절대적인 보호와 강권적인 역사하심이 빠른시간에 북을 무너트려 우리의 동포들이 자유를 찾기를 기도하며 이들에게 수치와 어려움을 주고있는 스페인과 미국이 역사앞에 부끄러움을 느끼고 회개하기를 소망합니다.
사방이 적으로 둘러싸인 자신들의 처지보다 무지막지한 북한으로 부터 대사관 직원을 보호하기위해 그날의 사실을 밝히지 않았던 의로운 행위가 하나님의 일하심으로 적들을 돌려 세우실것을 믿으며 기도합니다
핵 무기를 믿는 북한의 김정은,
자신과시를 믿는 미국의 대통령,
하나님의 능력과 역사하심을 믿는 자유조선,
세상에서 가장 악랄한 나라의 지도자,
세상서 가장 강한 나라의 지도자,
세상이 필요로 하는 주님사랑을 품은 지도자,
이렇게 셋이 싸움을 벌이고 있습니다. 지금은 악랄함이,
세상 파워가,
먼저 이기는것 같아도 종국에는 하나님 능력의 역사하심이 있을것이고 그들은 혼비백산 흩어질것으로 믿으며 더욱 강하게 기도하고 있습니다.


I have known Adrian Hong ever since I was 7 years old. He has inspired me in ways that no one else in my life has. Because of his support and mentorship, I was inspired to even start my own non-profit and dedicate my life to serving others. Adrian fought for what was right, and it is because of his persistence and sacrifice that many people have been saved, and many more; hundreds of thousands know the truth about the humanitarian crisis in North Korea. One thing Adrian once said that always rings with me: “One day the people of North Korea will be free. It may not be today or tomorrow – but they will be free. What will you tell your kids when they ask what you did to help?”

We need brave leaders like Adrian Hong to continue the fight for liberation for the people of North Korea.

Isaiah 41:10-13
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
“All who rage against you will surely be ashamed and disgraced; those who oppose you will be as nothing and perish.
Though you search for your enemies, you will not find them. Those who wage war against you will be as nothing at all.
For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.
I love you!


Please free American veteran Christopher Ahn and end hunt against Adrian Hong. Stand for American values and against a known anti American terrorist nation
– Anonymous

Christopher Ahn is a true hero. He risked his safely to rescue many North Korean defectors. 25 million North Koreans who wish to be free stand by Ahn!

To all for whom freedom and justice matters,
Upon learning the stories of these exceptionally brave and selflessness men, I had to take this moment to offer my support. It is my strong belief Christopher Ahn and Adrian Hong are being wrongly persecuted and must be protected from extradition to Spain. The American government, beginning with President Trump and Secretary of State Pompeo, must dedicate attention and resources to reveal the true nature of this attempt to eliminate people of honor dedicated to helping free those who are victims of cruel and inhumane rights violations.
These men have a calling that can only be described as heroic. As a proud American, my hope is that my country will take the appropriate and courageous actions to right the wrongs currently being done to Adrian Hong and Christopher Ahn.

– Anonymous

Please work to free the marine & activist involved in this rescue attempt. I voted for you president Trump & am a registered republican . Please reward their patriotism with honor, support & righteousness

You are not alone. There are so many people are supporting your heroic mission to free North Koreans.

Thank you, and God Bless you.

In my encounters with Adrian, he was always kind, selfless, and passionate. It was always apparent that he cared deeply about the North Korean people, yet he never wanted to talk or bring attention upon his efforts. When others forgot or got busy with life, Adrian remained steadfast- in fact fighting harder and putting his life in more and more risk. He and Christopher Ahn are true American heros through and through and should be allowed to live their lives and continue on with their efforts.
The United States needs to do the right thing and release Christopher Ahn and end the search for Adrian Hong.


WE want Christopher Ahn and Adrian Hong released immediately.

As a citizen of the liberal democratic world, I strongly ask United States Government and Spanish Court not to threaten  the lives of these good men. They have helped North Koreans win their freedom

Free Christopher Ahn!!!
Free Adrian Hong !!!
Help Humanitarian members of The Provisional Government of Free Joseon!!!


We know your could just live your life freely.
We all know that you decide to help those people because it was hurting you remembering they suffer.
And we all love you and support with all our heart.
Cheer up! We are proud of you!
You are truly heroes of this world.
God bless you all!

Caecilia Loots and Oskar Schindler also did. Would you still persecute these heros?
US Marine Christopher Ahn & Adrian Hong are heroes who must not be extradited based on North Korea’s lies.

Dear friends,
I know Adrian Hong since I moved internationally in 2011, hearing this news makes me feel physically sick and emotionally broken. Adrian & Christopher need to absolutely be set free, this is shocking news!
Adrian is one of the most selfless people I have ever met, his work at helping free north Koreans should be raised on an even bigger platform for the world to know, he truly is a hero in soo many ways, with a heart of gold. Living his life helping his own people and showing the world the truth about what is going on. Personally he is a friend I know I can depend on for anything and I admire his work to date. I hope and pray that Adrian along with Christopher get what they TRULY deserve!


Real change in authoritarian countries like North Korea can only come from direct action, not acquiescence to their demands or acceptance of their norms. Christopher Ahn and Adrian Hong are doing what they can to strike back at the blossoming nightmare that reigns in North Korea, and save who they can from it. Their freedom must be secured.
North Korea threatens the whole world and they must be stopped along with their collaborators.


Dios va obra el trabajo que has hecho para la humanidad es hermoso tienes un corazón nobles estamos orando por ti.

Todo va estar bien tenemos fe en Dios el trabajo que estaba haciendo es un trabajo de amor. Dios tiene el control te queremos.estamos orando por ustedes.

북한인민의 인권과 해방을 위해 힘써주셔서 감사합니다. 자유조선의 크리스토퍼와 애드리안님은 그 누구보다도 엄청난 위력을 북한에 가해왔었고 미친 살인마 독재자 김정은도 스트레스를 많이 받아왔을 겁니다. 저는 북한이 무너질 날이 얼마 안 남았다고 봅니다. 다같이 더 힘내어 통일과 해방의 그 날을 보기를 소망합니다. 힘내십시오. 북한 동포에게 미안한 마음이 먼저 드는 그렇고 그런 자이지만 제가 믿는 하나님께 님을 위해 기도하겠습니다.

I met Adrian Hong in 2002 and he has always been morally irreproachable. He would never resort to violence or use coercion of any type, because he knows he does not need to. He has always been on the side that garners peace and justice. End the ludicrous persecution of these men!

오늘도 죽어가는 영혼들을 위해서 싸우는 자유조선을 위해서 기도합니다. 이 세상은 당신들을 핍박 하지만 우리를 도우시는 그분께서 모든일을 주관하시고 돕고 계심을 믿습니다. 부귀와 명예를 위함이 아니며 오직 헐벗고 굶주린 동포들을 위해서 일하는 당신들이 정말 자랑스럽습니다. 기도하고 있습니다. 당신들을 위해서 기도하는 시람들을 기억하시고 힘 내세요.
“And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”
‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭9:8‬ ‭NIV‬‬